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GMB@Angus Environment

Dear Member,
Annual Leave
Your rep, Robert Ward has submitted a formal grievance on behalf of members in environment who have been informed you must take a proportion of your leave by the 31st July. This contradicts nationally agreed guidance and please do contact Robert in the first instance if you haven’t already, or contact us if you have been forced to take your own leave or have been refused a cancellation.
Key Workers
We are still in disagreement with Angus Council regarding the work that is being undertaken. The First Minister has been very clear in that people who are not key workers should be staying home to protect the NHS and save lives. Grass cutting is not essential and gardeners aren’t classed as key workers.
There should be no congregating in depots, buckies or yards. No more than one in a cab and safe working practices must be put in place if they haven’t already.
If you are being asked to work unsafely, you can advise that until you are regarded as a key worker, or that the Scottish Government has said it is safe for you to return to work, that under the Health and Safety Act 1974, Section 44 you cannot put yourself in an unsafe working environment. If you need any help or support again, please do get in touch with us.
GMB will not compromise on your safety. Please look after yourselves and keep yourselves safe.

Posted: 15th May 2020

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