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GMB PKC Members
We have  had confirmation that if you are moved between jobs, or redeployed into other sectors you will be paid the rate for the job if that grade is higher.
We absolutely welcome that. If you are redeployed into a post that is a lower grade, you will continue to be paid at your usual rate of pay.
Our biggest concern at the moment is that of Modern Apprentices (MAs). If you have any MAs working alongside you or know any, would you please let them see this  briefing and ask them to contact us or call our temporary number which is 07946 661375.. We want to make sure that MAs are getting the best representation possible at this time, which includes us ensuring that the council paying the rate for the job, provide emotional support, and not exploiting young people in any way.
Having young people doing life and limb work will most likely have a very long term impact on wellbeing and we need to hear from you to ensure you are not being exploited.
For all our members, please remember that redeployment is entirely voluntary, and if you feel that you are redeployed into posts that you feel you cannot do, then please do let us know.
Join GMB Scotland online

You can click here to join GMB Scotland online and leave the rest to GMB.

Full time – Grade 1 = £14.14 per month

Part time – Grade 2 = £8.18 per month, GMB members working part-time for 20 hours or less and GMB members under 18 years. If you work in a school please check the current GMB rate with GMB Scotland 0141 332 8641.

Sick and unemployed members = 5p per week.

Retired life members = If a GMB member retires on or after 1 July 2015, they can apply for free retired life membership within three months of no longer paying contributions in line with rules 45 or 46. To qualify, they have to be permanently retired from paid work, be members for at least 5 years and apply in writing to become retired life members of the union.

Apprentices = £2 per month

Non-working Students = £1 per month, Students who are in employment will continue to pay the rate applicable to their employment and hours of work.

Update Your Details
Moved home? Got Married? Changed your Job? If your details have changed tell GMB by updating your personal profile now.
For convenience click on the link below to update your details online today:

Posted: 20th April 2020

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