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Dear member,
GMB Union have been  pressurising DCC regarding the terrible conditions that you have all been working under and the service that is being provided to our most vulnerable.
We had previously advised you that we have had a couple of meetings and still the problems persist. You may have seen Jim in the press raising these issues also.
Jim Cunningham, your GMB Dundee 1 Branch Secretary met with your Head of Service and H.R. to highlight your concerns and issues in the service.
The following was raised:
GMB insisted that a complete review of the service must be undertaken as a matter of urgency as well as a revisit the split shift system, shift parameters and how the system is being run. Management appeared shocked at some of the horror stories you have shared with us on how you and service users are being treated. At last they appear to be listening at the level that was needed.
We are pleased to tell you  that management have agreed to this review.
Due to the serious staff shortages and you having to cover for absent colleagues, the consequence of covering continuously is leading to more staff being ill and absent as many are physically exhausted and burnt out and suffering from extreme stress and anxiety. Management agreed that this was the case and agreed to address the health and well being of Staff as a matter of urgency.
Jim put forward suggestions on how we could address the staffing issues in the short term which included:
– Managers and Organisers who are currently working from home should lead by example, roll their sleeves up and get out into the field to assist our exhausted members:
– Home helps and Staff from other departments can also be seconded into Homecare. Management are putting this into action now.
Jim also raised the issue of communications and that Homecare staff have been unable to contact the Admin team or their Organisers for assistance and when some of you  called control you were told off. Management agreed that this should not be happening and will address this urgently.  They have also agreed to put  out regular communications to advise staff what is going on as many of you told us you felt you were being left in the dark.
Management agreed with GMB that there is a serious issue in recruiting new staff, however they have assured us that they have filled all but one of the 35 advertised new posts and are waiting for references and PVG checks coming back.
To escalate this process they have agreed to second more Staff into the Staffing section.
We emphasised to them that the GMB expect them to get more recruiting done swiftly and address our Members concerns as a matter of urgency. They have agreed to do this
We will be meeting weekly with management to ensure that the above is adhered to or we will move to a ballot of our Homecare members.
You have all worked tirelessly through this year and continue to. Please get in touch if you are still having issues.
We also plan to address the absences that homecarers have had due to stress through this period and if you have been placed on a monitor through this time due to work related stress and this has not been looked at again by your manager, please get in touch with the office.
We still need reps in homecare. We do however appreciate how depleted many of you are feeling are at this time and we are hopeful that once the recruitment problem is resolved we will be able to welcome some of you as reps.
Please pass this to your colleagues who are in no union and encourage them to join the campaigning union in Dundee City Council. If we move to a ballot it will only be union members who get a say.
You can call the office on 01382225491 and some will get back to you or email

Posted: 16th July 2021

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