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GMB@DCC Homecare

Dear Member

The joint trade unions met with management on Friday, 3rd March 2017. Here is an update of that meeting and a summary of where we are.

Management have proposed that they roll the split shifts out to everyone – we have proposed that they adopt a ‘Fife’ type model where anyone who wishes to work split shifts can, whilst anyone who does not wish to work these for any reason (of which there can be many) are not forced to. Management are currently considering this and we will discuss this at our next meeting (to be confirmed in around 2 – 3 weeks).

We raised the issue of drivers being asked to travel many miles outside of their area – management are insistent now that members are either walkers or drivers. Therefore, if you are not prepared to work outside of your area as a result of the wear and tear on your cars, then the advice is to say that you are no longer prepared to be a driver and are now a walker. Management have ordered a further 10 electric cars and they recognise the need for more cars – this may alleviate these issues in future.

– Ordered 10 more electric cars
– Organisers will ask if anyone wants to trial the 3 day rota
– Management have stated that as a result of the trial there has been more contact time, less downtime, less sickness (for those on the trial).
– Staff proposed a 3 day trial towards the end of the agreed trial with significant numbers of staff asking to trial the 3 day rota.
– Most staff on the trial want to try the 3 day rota

Management will be approaching staff to ask if anyone would like to participate in that trial proposed by staff – if anyone genuinely wishes to trial this you can.

However, GMB draw a line in the sand at anyone being forced to continue with split shifts, or, for anyone to be forced onto split shifts now we have reached the end of the trial. If you feel you no longer want to or can continue with the split shifts then please approach your organiser and ask them to arrange this for you. If you have any issues then please contact your representative in the first instance.

Again, NO AGREEMENT to move to a split shift system has been made – ultimately it will be down to members to decide if you are content with the stage that we have reached (once that has been finalised) or whether you are prepared to take action to oppose it.

You have 2 GMB reps in Homecare – we are always on the lookout for more reps. If you’re interested please either speak to one of the reps, or call 01382 225491 for more information.

GMB Dundee
01382 225491

Posted: 6th March 2017

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