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GMB@Angus Council 

GMB have been made aware at very late notice that a meeting is being held today (28th June) for members in the recycling centres to discuss a motion that is being put to committee tomorrow (below).

This motion seeks to defer the changes that had been proposed by Angus Council to the recycling centres.  GMB welcomes this pause, however we know that this may be unsettling for some of you who have already had your one to one meetings to discuss the changes.

We believe that this demonstrates that the plans were premature and we look forward to having future appropriate consultation with Angus Council regarding (if) any proposed changes.

Please contact us if you would like to discuss this further on 01382 225491.


Recycling Centres Councillor Myles has submitted the following motion:

This Council: (1) Defers implementation of the closures and changes to hours for the recycling centres; (2) Establishes a Member/Officer Group of 6 members (4 Administration; 2 non administration) to review the proposals as contained in Report 209/16 and as agreed and amended at the Communities Committee; 3 (3) Officers bring forward a report on the conclusions of the MOG to the meeting of Angus Council on 7 Sept 2017; and (4) Notes the financial implications.” Financial Implications The Motion proposes a short term deferral to the implementation of some of the decisions made by the Communities Committee in May 2016 following its consideration of Report 209/16. As such the financial implications from approving the motion only relate at this stage to the consequences of a pause on implementation of the relevant recommendations in Report 209/16. A 10 week period of delay has been assumed for this purpose. Should the outcome of the Member/Officer Group’s consideration of this matter result in proposed changes to what was agreed in May 2016 then this would be subject to a separate report which would identify the full financial implications arising. Members should however be aware that any significant changes to the existing proposals would likely take several months to implement and create additional financial implications in 2017/18 from the delayed realisation of planned savings and if this were the case a source of funding would need to be found to make up the shortfall. Monifieth Recycling Centre This centre is due to close on 23 July. The motion will mean additional staff costs and rates costs being incurred over the assumed 10 week delay period. It will also be necessary to renew the access licence with the MOD which runs out at the end of July on a minimum 6 month basis. Forfar & Kirriemuir Recycling Centres Works to create the proposed new single site have not been commissioned and no site has been acquired. It may be necessary to undertake some temporary works at Kirriemuir to address safety concerns but these are not specifically related to the proposed pause in implementation. No revenue or capital budget implications arise from the Motion. Brechin and Carnoustie Recycling Centres Additional staff costs will arise from delaying changes to opening hours at these two centres due to commence on 24 July. Arbroath and Montrose Recycling Centres The capital works at these 2 centres agreed in Report 209/16 are largely complete and no change in this regard are intended. Savings from changes to opening hours at these centres due to commence on 24 July will however be delayed if the Motion is approved. Summary There are no direct implications for the Council’s capital budget arising from the Motion. There will however be implications for the 2017/18 revenue budget of the Place Directorate if the Motion is approved for the reasons outlined above. This is mainly due to staff savings being delayed and the MOD licence renewal at Monifieth. Overall it is estimated that agreement to the Motion will result in additional revenue costs of approximately £33,000 in 2017/18. There is no budget provision for these additional costs so if the Motion is approved those costs would need to be funded from the Council’s uncommitted reserves which stand at £300,000 at 31 March 2017.

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Posted: 28th June 2017

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