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DCC Sheltered Housing Wardens

FAO: DCC Sheltered Housing Wardens 

Dear Member,

Please see response from Dundee City Council regarding concerns raised about conducting surveys with residents.  We would like to ask if any of you have been trained on using the Survey Monkey software that will be used to conduct these surveys?  If you have not, then you should request access to training via your line manager in the first instance.   Is everyone okay talking and typing at the same time?  Will headsets be provided to allow you to work handsfree?  Please remember to discuss any initial concerns with your ReJohn Wells.  John will be supported by Jim Cunningham Branch Secretary.


1. The wardens have raised concerns around confidentiality in that many of them have not done this type of work previously and are frightened to record something incorrectly which could lead to disciplinary action. 

This survey does not differ from the wardens regular duties. Our sheltered housing service is a registered Housing Support Service with the Care Inspectorate. The Care Inspectorate as our independent regulator, will be expecting us to be checking with our tenants to see how they are coping during these difficult times.  

We are asking our wardens to carry out a housing support function, checking in on our tenants to see how they are coping overall, but specifically with lock-down, and find out what we can do to deliver an effective, tailored support.

The only difference is the way we are recording this data, as this will be input via an online survey. This will be done on the Dundee City Council computer systems, so no confidentiality issues.  This is not designed as a disciplinary tool, if anything the expectation is that the outcome will likely highlight the good work of staff.


2. It would appear that the capacity is also a factor along with lone working and shift rotations when are staff getting the time to complete the survey how many residents are expected to be contacted on any given shift etc. 

Given our complexes are closed to the public and our tenants, I believe this is the best time and opportunity for us to undertake this survey. Due to the closure of the complexes, and the fact that welfare visits to tenant homes have ceased, some of the duties our Wardens undertake have changed, and we believe, as a result, they now have the capacity to carry out this important survey. 


3. They have also highlighted a disconnect between supervisors / managers with front-line staffing over the last few weeks which has led to many staff members feeling isolated during this time. 

During lock-down, all services face the challenge of ensuring regular contact with staff. Unlike many other staff who have been working from home, Wardens have continued to work from their complexes. The Sheltered Supervisor and Senior Wardens, have also been working in the service and have continued to be in regular contact with Wardens during this period. Wardens have been in regular contact with their Senior Warden and the Senior Wardens have also visited their complexes, observing social distancing guidelines, on a regular basis.

Prior to lock-down, Senior Wardens would meet their Wardens on a monthly basis. The intention is to continue to have these meetings, albeit on a “virtual” basis.


In summary, I believe that this survey is important for the service to better understand how some of our most elderly and vulnerable tenants are coping during this incredibly difficult time. It is also important for the service to understand how best we can continue to support our tenants. Given the Sheltered Wardens work in a registered support service, I believe that this is compatible with their role, and due to adjustments to the service due to lock-down, they have the capacity to carry this out.

GMB Dundee

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Posted: 22nd June 2020

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