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Dear Member
First of all thank you for everything you are doing. You are all heroes.
Your health and safety is paramount to us as your union. We are really concerned to hear some of your experiences out in the community and regularly we have been raising the issue of inappropriate PPE and the fact that family visits are still happening.
Being advised to only use masks in households where symptoms are prevalent is not acceptable in our view. Having to use your own soap and towels is unacceptable. We understand that you have one of the most important jobs to do and DCC are not putting in enough protections to keep you, your families and the public safe.
NHS workers are being provided with more appropriate PPE and you all fall under the Health and Social Care partnership therefore the NHS and Dundee City Council should be working together to ensure you have this available.
When you arrive at homes, in order to keep you safe, please take a moment to risk assess the place you are visiting.

If you feel that entering a household where there are other family members and you are unable to observe social distancing from those family members, you can refuse to put yourself in danger under the Health and Safety Act  1974. Advise and inform your organiser that you are not refusing to work, but that you cannot put yourself in danger.

Take photographs of your workplaces without breaching the confidentiality of any service user if you are being put into an unsafe position. Get in touch with us to let us know about any unsafe working practices you are being asked to do as we are trying to build up a picture across the city.

GMB will not compromise on your safety. Ask for the Covid-19 risk assessment.

Posted: 26th March 2020

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