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GMB@Safe at Home

Equality Resources Information – Safe at Home

At this challenging time, when we are all asked to stay indoors, family pressures, worries and anxiety can affect us in so many different ways.

Should you feel you or a family member or a work colleague. needs assistance or just someone to talk too, please see below for some popular helpline numbers, that may be of assistance, in this time of crisis.

Action on Hearing Loss 0808 808 0123

Addiction Helper 0800 804 4755

Age Scotland 0800 12 44 222

Alcohol Focus Scotland 0141 572 6700

Alcoholics Anonymous 0800 917 7650

Alzheimer Scotland 0800 808 3000

AMINA (The Muslim Womens Resource Centre) 0808 801 0301

Anxiety Alliance 0845 296 7877

Anxiety UK 08444 775 774 B-eat 0808 801 0677

Bipolar UK 0333 323 3880

Breathing Space 0800 83 85 87

CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) 0800 58 58 58

CASS Self Injury Helpline 0808 800 8088

Crisis Textline (24/7 support for people in crisis) Text 85258

Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000 247

Emergency Social Work Service 0300 343 1505

Ethnic Minorities Law Centre 0141 204 2888

FRANK (helps you find out everything you might want to know about drugs) 0300 123 6600

Healthy Working Lives 0800 019 2211

Includem (There for young people 24/7) East 0808 800 0409 and West 0808 800 0408

Know the Score (Drugs Information and Advice Scotland) 0800 587 5879

LGBT Helpline Scotland 0300 123 2523

LGBT Youth Scotland 0141 552 7425

Macular Society 0300 30 30 111

Mind (mental health) 0300123 3393 or text 86463

Muslim Community Helpline 0208 904 8193 or 0208 908 6715

Muslim Youth Helpline 0808 808 2008

Narcotics Anonymous 0300 999 1212

NACOA (National Association for Children of Alcoholics) 0800 358 3456

National Autistic Society Scotland 0808 800 4104

National Breastfeeding Helpline 0300 100 0212

National Debtline 0808 808 4000

NSPC (national society for the prevention of cruelty to children) 0808 800 5000

NHS 24 Helpline 111

No Panic 0844 967 4848 or youth helpline 0330 606 1174

NHS Inform for British Sign Language (BSL) users OCD Action 0845 390 6232

Parentline Scotland 0800 28 22 33

Police Scotland 111

Premier Lifeline 0300 111 0101

Rape Crisis Scotland 08088 01 03 02

Respect Me 0844 800 8600

Rethink – Asian mental health helpline 0808 800 2073

RNIB 0303 123 9999

Samaritans Scotland 116 123

SANE Mental Health 0300 304 7000

Scotland’s Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline 0800 027 1234

Scottish National Debtline 0808 808 4000

Scottish Refugee Council 0800 085 6087

Self Injury Support 0808 800 8088

Shelter Scotland 0808 800 4444

Survivors of bereavement by suicide 0300 111 5065

TESS (for young women who Self-Harm) Text us on 0780 047 2908

The Mix (Essential support for under 25’s) 0808 808 4994

Victim Support Scotland 0345 603 9213

Womens Aid 0800 027 1234 Young Minds for Parents 0808 802 5544


GMB Scotland Domestic Abuse Policy: CLICK HERE

GMB Scotland Mental Health Toolkit: CLICK HERE


Join GMB Scotland online

You can click here to join GMB Scotland online and leave the rest to GMB.

Full time – Grade 1 = £14.14 per month

Part time – Grade 2 = £8.18 per month, GMB members working part-time for 20 hours or less and GMB members under 18 years. If you work in a school please check the current GMB rate with GMB Scotland 0141 332 8641.

Sick and unemployed members = 5p per week.

Retired life members = If a GMB member retires on or after 1 July 2015, they can apply for free retired life membership within three months of no longer paying contributions in line with rules 45 or 46. To qualify, they have to be permanently retired from paid work, be members for at least 5 years and apply in writing to become retired life members of the union.

Apprentices = £2 per month

Non-working Students = £1 per month, Students who are in employment will continue to pay the rate applicable to their employment and hours of work.

Update Your Details
Moved home? Got Married? Changed your Job? If your details have changed tell GMB by updating your personal profile now.
For convenience click on the link below to update your details online today:

Posted: 27th April 2020

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