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Dear Member,
We had a call yesterday afternoon with Angus management.
There has been no agreement reached as GMB will not compromise on your health and safety. A two metre distance should always be maintained.
Waste Members:
No more than 1 person in a cab at any time. If necessary, then people should follow in other vehicles. Drivers should not be jumping in and out of the cab every 10 metres. That is a significant health and safety risk.
You are not classed as key workers and our advice to you is to stay at home, unless you are volunteering to help with grave digging.
No more than one in a van at any time. If necessary then people should follow in other vehicles.
For those of you who are not currently classed as key workers, until Angus council can allocate you work that is classed as key work, then our advice to you is that you should remain at home to keep yourselves safe. There should be no more of you at work than is necessary.
There should be no congregating in buckies or depots.
You should all be job and finish and we have asked for clarification on this issue.
If you feel that management are asking you to do anything different to our advice above, then you can advise them that under the Health and Safety Act 1974 you are unwilling to put yourself in danger. You are not refusing to work, you are simply keeping yourself safe.
Please get in touch with your rep, Robert Ward in the first instance, or and the current temporary number is 07946 661375 if you are having any issues.

Posted: 8th April 2020

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